Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Toes Before Hoes

The burning sensation is so strong in my toes that I am amazed I cannot smell it.  The botched ski mountaineering line offers no relief to the pain as we continue the miserable slog back to civilization.  This is one of those trips that leaves too much to ponder.  One thing is clear, as I re-adjust my ski carry system for the hundredth time, I desperately need a new pack.  The only thing comparable to my toes are my shoulders as my ancient pack is taking it's toll.  The long 13 mile slug back to the truck leaves too much time to ponder all the issues back in civilization.  The failed relationships, underemployment, lack of an exact fortitude to figure out exactly what one wants to do for the rest of their life; all these things slowly creeping into my frontal lobe and exacerbating my physical ailments.  Would a successful attempt at climbing and skiing Grizzly Peak have made any difference?  The learning experience with failed attempts oftentimes outweighs the gratitude of success.