Wednesday, June 12, 2013

F is for Failure

The brunt reality of life in the mountains is we often learn more from our experiences with disappointment than with the elation of victory.  But those few beautiful moments of standing on top of a precipice with the sun shining on your face are worth every failed attempt.  Failure makes us wiser and gives us necessary epiphanies that can transform our mind and body into a synergy of beautiful motion for the chance of standing on top again.
What is this life I am leading.  Caught up and overwhelmed to the point that making a simple decision seems like life and death.  The clouded judgements lead to cloudier decisions.  Climbing mountains, riding passes, cheating death.  All these things have brought me no closer to my destined monotony.  Does Spirit Sherpa or Ski Bum have any bearing on a resume?  The ski bum has landed in the geographic locale best suited to perpetuate his lifestyle at a time when he has to grow up and eschew said lifestyle.  What a conundrum.  Interviews, applications, clean shaven faces.  These are not nearly as fun as feeling the sun on your face above tree-line or carving a hard line in perfect corduroy.